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Essential Guide to Understand Dental Crowns

In the world of restorative dentistry, dental crowns are common procedures. However, if you’ve never experienced tooth decay or trauma, the concept of teeth crowns may be confusing. To eliminate the guesswork, Xpress Dental is here to share everything you need to know about dental crowns in McAllen, TX.

Dental Crown Placement in McAllen, TX

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns, or teeth crowns, are oral prosthetics used to restore the integrity of a compromised tooth. Mirroring the shape of natural teeth, dental crowns are custom-fitted caps that blanket the entirety of the remaining tooth structure following severe decay or oral trauma. Moreover, these dual-purpose restorations can also be used for smile makeover.

What Is Teeth Crowning & How Does It Work?

Severe decay and tooth damage may require more than a simple filling. In these cases, the tooth may require reinforced support, raising the importance of tooth crowns. Dentists place dental crowns to preserve and protect what is left of the natural tooth structure.

Cosmetic Teeth Crowns

Teeth crowns are not solely reserved for restorative interventions. They have become increasingly popular cosmetic options as well. Patients may consider a dental crown to cover aesthetic blemishes, such as deep discoloration, stains, or misshapen teeth, as it offers a minimally invasive way to enhance the overall appearance of the smile.

Dental Crown Options

Many patients ask, “Is a cap and a crown the same thing?” While the answer is yes, and these terms are used interchangeably, it is important to note that there are several types of dental crown options. These options include:

  • Porcelain dental crowns
  • Ceramic dental crowns
  • Metal alloy dental crowns
  • Gold alloy dental crowns

Choosing the Right Type of Dental Crown

Metal and gold alloys are durable restorations but are more noticeable and often come at a higher price point. For subtle wear at a more affordable cost, ceramic teeth crowns may be a better choice. However, in terms of longevity, discretion, and natural-looking results, porcelain crowns are the preferred option.

The Dental Crown Procedure

The dental crown procedure begins with a complete oral evaluation. During the evaluation, we will take x-rays to assess the targeted tooth and send an impression of your teeth to the lab. The impression is also used to create a temporary crown for the patient to wear while awaiting the permanent restoration.

What to Expect From the Teeth Crown Procedure

The idea of restorative dental care may be daunting. However, with Xpress Dental, the tooth crowning procedure is prompt, minimally invasive, and virtually pain-free. Prior to working on your tooth, we will administer local anesthesia to numb the treatment site. Post-crown placement, you may experience slight tenderness, but it will quickly subside.

The Longevity of Dental Crowns

You may be concerned about the longevity of teeth crowns. The good news is that these restorations can last up to 15 years with proper care. However, the exact timeline will also depend on the type of dental crown you receive, as certain materials last longer than others.

How to Maintain Teeth Crowns

To avoid future restorations, prioritize good oral hygiene and routine dental care. For the most part, caring for teeth crowns is the same as caring for your natural teeth. However, as they are susceptible to damage, be extra mindful not to bite down on hard objects and address symptoms of wear the moment they appear.

Schedule an Appointment to Get Started With Dental Crowns

If you suspect it may be time for a tooth restoration, you’ve come to the right place. As a leader in restorative dentistry, Xpress Dental is a premier destination for comprehensive dental care and tooth crowns in McAllen, TX. To schedule a consultation, contact our friendly team today.